Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by mightyohm »

Can you explain what you mean by "Then I am put it in socket and try to re-burn"?
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by dale »

I mean I am not remove the 328p form socket, then press the button to read the fuse again.
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by mightyohm »

You need to remove the 328P from the socket between fuse writing operations. Can you try removing it from the socket before you attempt to burn the fuses again?
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by dale »

I have to do it according to your step, but fuse always is 0xFF when first read. maybe these 328P are damage?
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by mightyohm »

That is strange. Do you have another 328p you can try?
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by dale »

I just have two 328P of DIP package now, when I get new 328P, I will try it again.
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by mightyohm »

OK, please post any updates.
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by dale »

Hi mightyohm,

I got new 328P, and it always have error, so I trace the PCB,
then find a trace not connect to 328P pin15, so it read/write has error.

This is my problem, because this PCB is make by me.

Thanks your help.
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Re: Troubles with ATtiny85 fuses = 0xFF

Post by mightyohm »

glad to hear you got it sorted out! :ugeek:
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