Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

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Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by tulipman »

Hi y'all.

I watched Jeri Elsworths' 'Playing with Lava - Dumb and Dangerous?' on YouTube, and she mentioned Jeff Keyzer's Geiger Counter.

I went to the site and wanted to order one, only to learn that they are not available anymore!!

That's a bummer, because I really want one!!

Does anyone know when the next batch will arrive?? (Jeff, are you there??).

Or someone has one kit for spare, and want to sell it.
I would be even VERY happy with only a PCB of it.

Send me a PM (or a reply on this forum) if you can help me out.


Robbert / PA3BKL

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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by mightyohm »

Hi Robbert!

Yes, it is true that I am totally out of stock on Geiger counter kits right now, and I'm not sure when I'll have more.

However, there are still plenty of kits available! You can order from any one of my distributors, both in the US and Europe:

I might have more kits for sale on my site in the next few weeks, but the problem is that my distributors are ordering kits as fast as I can make them! I recommend ordering from one of them if you don't feel like waiting!

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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by tulipman »

Hi Jeff!

You made my day!!

I'm going to order right now.


BTW: are you active on HF in digital modes??
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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by mightyohm »

You're very welcome!

I am occasionally active on PSK31 on 20m (the only band I have an antenna for right now!)
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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by tulipman »


FB my friend!!

Yeah, I'll set up a sked for a PSK31 chat!!

BTW: tried to order the Geiger Counter Kit from, but their weborderform doesn't accept my VAT number...


Here is a screendump of the problem:

It IS a VALID number, using it every day for intl. transactions, but the Hackables don't seem to get it right... heh heh
Have sent them an email, hopefully they can help me out soon..

Your surname sounds VERY DUTCH!!
Do you have a percentage of european blood running in your systems??

Cheers Jeff

de Robbert / PA3BKL
mightyohm wrote:You're very welcome!

I am occasionally active on PSK31 on 20m (the only band I have an antenna for right now!)
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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by mightyohm »


Did you resolve your problem with the Hackable Devices ordering system?

If not please let me know and I'll look into it.
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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by tulipman »

Hi Jeff,

Well, I just skipped filling out the VAT number and it went OK.

Never goto a reply from that folks on why a-n-y VAT numbe doesn't work on their order form.

Hope that their delivery service is better, because I really want that Geiger unit.

BTW: are you expecting more Geiger kits soon??

73 de Robbert / PA3BKL

mightyohm wrote:Robbert,

Did you resolve your problem with the Hackable Devices ordering system?

If not please let me know and I'll look into it.
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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by hackabledevices »

Hello Robbert!

We're looking into that problem right now, our team taking care of the website being aware of that problem thanks to you. I'm making also sure that someone will send you an e-mail rapidly to tell you whether we can still add your VAT number to the invoice.

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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by hackabledevices »

hackabledevices wrote: We're looking into that problem right now, our team taking care of the website being aware of that problem thanks to you.
Our web team told me that we are actually using an external service's API to validate VAT numbers (to check whether they really exists, and not to only check they match a format). Sadly, it seems that this external service was down at the time you entered your VAT number.
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Re: Cannot buy Geiger Counter Kit anymore!!

Post by tulipman »

Hi there,

Could you please send me an invoice for that transaction WITH my VAT number??

hackabledevices wrote:
hackabledevices wrote: We're looking into that problem right now, our team taking care of the website being aware of that problem thanks to you.
Our web team told me that we are actually using an external service's API to validate VAT numbers (to check whether they really exists, and not to only check they match a format). Sadly, it seems that this external service was down at the time you entered your VAT number.
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